Physical verification of fixed assets or inventory

Fixed Asset/inventory physical verification involves physically inspecting and confirming the presence, whereabouts, condition, and quantity of an organization's fixed assets. This process acts as a deterrent to asset misappropriation and minimizes the risk of financial loss and fraud. Regular physical verification helps organizations in identifying the inconsistencies between the assets recorded and the assets physically verified.

Engaging an independent party for physical verification ensures that the procedures are performed independently and offers several other benefits:-

  • Accuracy: It ensures that the fixed asset register/inventory records are up-to-date and accurate by confirming the existence and condition of assets.
  • Preventive check: Regular physical verification helps to detect discrepancies (between quantities in books and physical records) on timely basis.
  • Compliance: compliance with reporting guidelines is ensured.
  • Risk Management:Identifying discrepancies helps organisations to take appropriate course of action and ensure that such miss outs, if any, are explained and well documented.
  • Asset's effective utilisation:By identifying if assets are obsolete assets during verification, organizations can make informed decisions with respect to assets disposal, assets replacement etc.
  • Insurance coverage:appropriate updated records helps to ensure that assets are adequately insured, mitigating the chance of underinsurance.

Carrying out physical verification of assets by in-house employees can present several challenges:

  • Time and Resource Constraints: Conducting physical verification requires dedicated resources. In-house employees may be pre- occupied with regular work, making it reasonably difficult for them to allocate enough time for physical verification.
  • Bias and Conflict of Interest:personal or departmental biases that may impact the overall process of verification.
  • Documentation and Reporting Challenges: expertise to properly document and report the findings. The appropriate reporting is essential so that the attention of management is invited to areas where it is required the most. That reporting skill may not necessarily be available inhouse.
  • Get physical verification of inventory or fixed assets verified by experts

    • Speak to the expert
    • Get your physical verification done by team of experts.
    • Get reconciliation of items of books vis-vis-items physically verified.
    • Get a comprehensive report detailing the results of physical verification which shall also be used for regulatory purposes.